El devenir de la Performance Art argentina en época de pandemia - Camila Stehling
Eva y Adán en el Paraíso - Fabiana Barreda
Symphonie pour bouches et chair - Leslie Castagne
Doble imposible - Agustina Sario l
Solo nº3. Cuerpo Chamánico -Fabiana Barreda
Body-score. Prologue - Fabiana Barreda
Vestida de Novia - Anibal Villa Segura
Solo nº3. Earth is ritual rhythm - Aníbal Villa Segura
Body-score. Prologue: Fabiana Barreda
Couple as the score of a domestic erotic symphony
Four movements. An introduction in which oral sensuality is physical choreography in the style of Peter Greenaway.
First movement: she starts performing and the music starts invoking him.
Second movement: he displays his body as an experimental resonance.
Third movement: love is sacred physics and alchemy.
Spiritual and carnal union.
The video as a mirror of the bodies.
Its tactile parallel account, force mapping
And finally, a last movement in which dance is collective and we are all feminine, masculine, trans, intangible and infinite like sound and silence.